IBK79 Geschäftsgebäude
location: Salzburg, Österreich
client: IBK GmbH
useable floor area: 1600m2
construction: 2016
status: completed
project team: Alexander Matl, Xavier Delanoue
structural engineering: Brandstätter ZT GmbH, Salzburg (AT)
steelconstruction: Wasserbacher GmbH + Co KG
HVAC: Fa. Stary
ELO: Rembart&Scherer
The aim of the design was the restructuring of an existing office building into a medical center for outpatient treatment. Therefor the crusial point was to provide the six different floorlevel with a central vertical accessibility in a very tight space. It is designed to include 8 different medical practice to one holistic health Centre.
An important element of the design is to differentiate the levels. Thus visitors experience different spatial configurations as they move between the floors. Flat grid elements serve as railings and attica elements, fulfilling a further essential function of the interior. The reflective surface increases incoming daylight. A constant change between opaque and transparent appearance accompanies the user on his way. The ceiling is covered with a membrane construction which creates a continuous backlit bottom view.