Imagine that you are a client, you are attempting to create an interesting building project, you are open to new architectural approaches and curious about the creative design process …
What can you expect from us?
Let us show you the future! We present you fictions of rooms, buildings and squares…
You can dream about it, WE CAN REALIZE IT!
We think in concepts and argue for new spatial experiences. It is important to us to understand development and change as an opportunity for creative power, which generates added values for the users in relation to the built environment. Building culture is always a reflection of society. Through holistic concepts and a thoughtful design of the spatial environment, we want to provide a contribution to contemporary building culture.
We always refer to the existing environment, both the urban context and historical markers or local building traditions. Through active engagement with societal, socio-economic and technological issues, we seek a basis for a new contemporary approach in architecture. We think in scenarios and choreographies, and consequently about the dissolution of boundaries in architecture.
To anticipate the future coexistence of people and to create an architectural framework for it.
To fulfill desires of a modern society by translating these into contemporary architecture.
To give dwellers of future urban fabrics innovative opportunities to express themselves spatially.
To dissolve the built borders in their traditional form.
“The medium is the message”
Marshall Mc Luhan
We perceive our projects as extensions of content, expressions of the identity of a personal, collective or institutional body. To quote Marshall McLuhan, “The medium is the message.”
“We design urban network hubs”
The following points are on our focus:
- Land resources must be used sparingly,
- The existing urban environment must be examined for its potential,
- Historical substance is interacted with special attention,
- The needs of people living in urban areas are changing,
- Urban frequency is facing new challenges.
A society have the right to develope its own city, new district centers will emerge!
We are proud to participate!
“Teamed up for Architecture”
Life consists of a multitude of relationships.
An important factor in the further development of creativity and vision is contact with other people.
We are pleased to be able to develop architecture, concepts and visions with our contemporaries!
/ construction practice
We are specialists in intricate building tasks.
We are specialists in intricate building tasks, both adaptations of existing structures and new buildings. A multitude of highly complicated building projects have afforded us with the knowledge of how to translate innovative concepts into actual structures. This is only possible with a network of diverse experts, the management of which we see as our responsibility.An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all
An integral aspect of our work is an experimental approach to topics and tasks.
An integral aspect of our work is an experimental approach to topics and tasks. The potential of digital tools in conjunction with innovative materials and fabrication methods allows us to realize innovative ideas and thought models on a scale of 1:1. Thus, we produce prototypes, furniture and accessories as well as installations and set designs.
Our objective is to formulate valuable contributions to contemporary building culture.
- Sculpture Award by the Country Salzburg 2009
- Architecture Recognition Award by the Country Salzburg, 2012
- „Transformers“, Galerie Das Weiße Haus, Wien (AT),
- 2010New Frontiers, Design Factory Bratislava (SK), 2010;
- Yo.V.A. 3 / Young Viennese Architects, Project Space, Kunsthalle Vienna (AT), 2010
- „Textual Sculpture for Georg Trakl“ Galerie im Traklhaus , Salzburg (AT), 2010 – 2013
- „How does it make you feel“, Künstlerhaus Salzburg (AT), 2010
- „The Fall“ Permanent Art Installation, Fortress Hohensalzburg (AT), 2013
- „In Lieu Of“ with Fabian Patzak, Galerie Trap(AT), 2013
- APPLIED ARTS NOW. soma architecture – Immanent Elasticity, Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna (AT), 2014
- “myfavoritproject”, Künstlerhaus Salzburg (AT), 2015
- Abstraktion, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien, 2008
- Werkvortrag_ARGE-Kultur, Salzburg, 2009
- Werkvortrag Kammer d. Arch. Architekturtage, Salzburg 2010
- Raumchoreografien Kulturpavillon Salzburg, — invited speaker 2011
- „Form Finding Strategies“ r&d Kunst Universität Linz, 2012
- Werkvortrag Experimentelles Bauen, Uni Innsbruck, invited speaker 2012
- VitrA Projekt-Werkstatt Architekt, ein Beruf im Wandel! invited speaker 2013
- Chancen und Risken der Stadtentwicklung, ARGE-Kultur, Salzburg, 2013
- Ungebautes Salzburg, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg 2015
- Impulsvortrag „Wert und Haltung in der Architektur, Architekturtage 2016
- Architektursymposium Turn On 2017 “The Digital Drift”, Vienna, 2017
- Computational Design Modeling:Proceedings of the Design Modeling Symposium 2011, Springer Verlag
Viscous Affiliation – A Concrete - „Ein neues Stadtzentrum für Salzburg“, online Blog: https://kooperativerraum.at/2014/02/26/ein-neues-stadtzentrum-fur-salzburg/2014
- „Bitte keinen Plan für Salzburg“ Stadtverein Zeitung Bastei, 2016
Coautoren: Florian Medicus und Sarah Untner
- BRG Badgastein 2008
- Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg – SALK Masterplan, Salzburg 2010
- Ronald McDonald Kinder Haus, Salzburg 2017
- DHK Asfinag-Areal, Salzburg 2017
Buisness Center Salzburg Mitte, SalzburgAG 2017

/ Contact
Our architecture can communicate non-verbally, however, we are happy when we get mail from you!